Cosa significa "matrimonio" per Retrouvaille?
In Retrouvaille “marriage” refers to a covenantal relationship between one man and one woman.
Per chi è?
Retrouvaille is for couples who want to make their marriages better. We can help couples in troubled marriages and couples with good marriages who believe their marriages can be better. The primary requirement is a willingness to work on your marriage. Both husband and wife are required to attend the program.
Quanto costa il programma?
Costs are site specific. A small non-refundable registration fee is required upon registration reserve your spot with the balance of the total cost being due on the Sunday of your weekend. Post sessions and on-going monthly support meetings are including at no additional cost.
Come possiamo essere sicuri che la nostra privacy sia protetta?
We take your privacy very seriously. Our attending couples’ names are never shared with any other organizations, parties, or individuals outside the Retrouvaille Community. Only your first names will be used throughout the weekend. Sharing anything more than this will be completely up to you.
Mi verrà richiesto di parlare del mio matrimonio o dei miei problemi personali di fronte ad altre persone?
No, personal sharing is not required. Nor are there any group discussions on the weekend. The entire experience is between you and your spouse.
What if one or both of us is no longer in love with the other?
Most people who say that they’re not in love with their spouse anymore mean that they no longer feel the romantic love that they felt at the beginning of their relationship. This type of love is meant to transition to a mature, deeper type of love that can be sustained. Retrouvaille can help you make that transition.
Vorrei partecipare al weekend Retrouvaille, ma il mio coniuge non vuole. Cosa devo fare?
You have already invested a great deal of time and energy in your marriage, so giving a weekend of your time is a small investment. Try to assure them that there is nothing to lose by attending, only positive results for your marriage. If possible, print out some information from this website, or get them to read it online. You may also want to contact the local registration couple for your community nearby for ideas. The program is designed for both husband and wife to attend.
How can I be sure Retrouvaille will save my marriage?
Only the two of you can save your marriage. Retrouvaille will teach you a set of skills that, if used properly, will help you get on the right track. We ask that you arrive for your weekend with open minds, open hearts, and the willingness to work on your relationship. All of the volunteers involved in the program are couples for whom Retrouvaille worked.
Dobbiamo per forza frequentare la comunità più vicina a noi?
It is recommended but not necessary. Every effort will be made to find a location near your home where you can attend the post sessions and on-going monthly support meetings. Failing that, online sessions are available.
Offrite servizi di assistenza ai bambini durante il weekend Retrouvaille?
Unfortunately, we are unable to provide childcare services for the weekends. However, some communities offer childcare for the Post Sessions and/or ongoing monthly support meetings.
I nostri figli possono venire nel fine settimana se forniamo una babysitter?
The weekend requires deep focus between you and your spouse. Much of this time will be spent in the privacy of your room. Distractions are likely to diminish the effectiveness of the program for you, so we ask that you do all you can to find someone to watch your children so that you can completely focus on your relationship during the weekend. Perhaps attending the weekend near a relative or other caregiver would facilitate that.
I consulenti matrimoniali saranno disponibili durante gli eventi Retrouvaille?
No. We do not provide professional counselors in the Retrouvaille Program. If you believe you need to consult a professional for your issues, most communities have a referral list of local counselors. Retrouvaille and personal counseling are quite compatible.
Io e il mio coniuge abbiamo deciso di partecipare a un prossimo weekend Retrouvaille. Cosa dobbiamo fare? Come possiamo iniziare?
First, you need to register for a weekend program. Once you register, you will be contacted by the Registration Couple from the community where you will be attending the weekend. They will give provide you with additional information and answer any questions you may have.
Non siamo ancora sicuri di questo Retrouvaille Weekend. Vorremmo parlare con una persona reale. C'è qualcuno con cui possiamo parlare?
Each community has a dedicated Registration Couple that handles all questions related the Retrouvaille Program in their community. You simply select the community whose weekend you’re considering. You will see a contact phone number for the community there. They will be able to assist you with all of the details.
L'inglese non è la mia lingua principale. Sarà un problema durante il weekend Retrouvaille?
If you can read an English newspaper or watch a news show on TV and understand most of it, you should be fine. Do not worry about your speaking ability; if your spouse can understand what you are saying, you will be fine. If not, look at the list of dates and locations, and you will see that some communities offer programs in Spanish and other languages, depending on the area.
Io e il mio coniuge siamo molto spirituali. Ci saranno servizi religiosi durante il weekend Retrouvaille?
Mass is offered Saturday morning and a closing Mass Sunday afternoon. All couples attending the weekend are invited to participate in these religious services, but participation is optional.
Io e il mio coniuge non siamo affatto spirituali. Non abbiamo alcun interesse per le funzioni religiose o la dottrina.
This is not a problem at all. The services are voluntary and do not affect the flow of the program.
Uno dei due non riesce a perdonare l'altro per quello che è successo. È stato troppo. Come potremo mai essere uguali?
You will discover during the weekend that there is nothing you cannot come back from, as long as both husband and wife are willing to put in the effort. Many couples that have attended the Retrouvaille program actually grow into a new, far better place.
Abbiamo fatto un weekend di incontro matrimoniale, ma non è servito. Cosa c'è di diverso?
Marriage Encounter is designed to make good marriages better. Retrouvaille was founded by Marriage Encounter couples that saw that something more was needed for couples with struggling marriages. Retrouvaille takes some of the Marriage Encounter concepts and builds on them extensively with a focus on moving a marriage from misery to rediscovery of the love you once had..